Saturday 10 March 2012

Pair banned from all city's schools after stealing computers

A PAIR of burglars have been jailed and banned from every school in Bristol after stealing laptop computers and cameras from a Hartcliffe school.

A five-year anti-social behaviour order was imposed on pals Nicki Mann, 20, of Colchester Crescent, Knowle West, and Jack McCarthy, 18, of Easton Road, Easton, at the city's Crown court yesterday.

The pair were arrested after being seen on CCTV bringing valuable electrical goods into Willow House, Hartcliffe.

In two raids during November and December last year they stole camera equipment and computers worth between £12,000 and £15,000 from the Bridge Learning Campus. They had only been out of prison for a few weeks after burgling other schools in the city in 2010.

Judge Martin Picton jailed Mann for 19 months and McCarthy for 18 months after they both admitted two counts of burglary. The Asbos ban them from entering the grounds of any educational establishment in Bristol or associating with each other in the city for the next five years.

Police Inspector Phil Davis said: "We were delighted with the result at court today. Asbo conditions such as these give the police extra powers to stop the pattern of criminal behaviour displayed by criminals such as Mann and Mr McCarthy.

"Now if any officer sees these individuals even entering a school or college they can arrest them for breaching their Asbo conditions without them even getting the chance to commit a crime."

Detective Inspector Caroline Stainer said: "This was a great result at court. We were really pleased to see these two men behind bars for their crimes and with tough conditions to help put a stop to their criminal activity when they're released.

"We felt the tough sentencing reflected the crimes as it was particularly heartless of these two to target schools, affecting the education of many children and costing the tax-payers a lot of money."

Pair banned from all city's schools after stealing computers

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