Saturday 19 May 2012

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There are always charitable organizations that need used children's clothing and the area you live in is no exception.Sell them yourself. you don't need to worry. that's all the better!800/oz.Exploitation of gold properties for industrial purposes is relatively new,nikola tesla energy transfer,Edgar Cayce expressed it best - in a trance, ". with error entered that is called death which is only a transition or through God's other door into that realm where the entity has built in its manifestations as related to the knowledge and activity respecting the law of the universal influence""Dying is a process which begins before the soul takes leave of the body and in fact begins before any illness accident or happening which may cause physical death" - Harvey A GreenIn sleep the soul travels to realms outside the physical and material world A time comes when in these travels the spirit/soul departs in preparation of moving past this earthly life It is a time when the soul travels between the two worlds-the earthly realm and the realm beyond Death is an inevitable part of being born In youth when life is full of dreams and health is excellent who ponders death Yet- in a moment death can come knockingNo one really knows what lies beyond deathIt is all speculation as to how and what the realm beyond death is likeThere are no verifiable evidence of a dead person coming back to this life to share a glimpse if that of what life is after death Contact with those who passed on are all based on personal experience some are conducted at seance where a medium claims the uncanny ability to make contact with those who are supposedly in the other realmThere are volumes of books written about specific evidence that there is life beyond the gates of death Religious or social beliefs teachings culture or tradition has not presented a concrete evidence of life after death There are those who do not believe there is life beyond Death is the end These can only be subject to argument- they can neither be proved or disprovedA Transition ZoneDeath is a mystery More mysterious is the question where do the dead go Is there a life after death What do us living humans know about death Is there such a place where life goes on after death in a totally different realm Death is the end of a physical material existence There is a popular belief that at death the dying person sees a playback of his /her life - success failure mistakes relationships a total sum of what their life was all aboutRudolph Steiner writes: "our transition after death is like stepping into our own thoughts where we have existed all along This is an inward step so small so natural; yet from a material perspective it is so abrupt and so extreme At the moment of change some of us are completely aware of what is happening some of us only partly aware and yet others totally unaware Ultimately we meet and greet our own death with the same awareness and attention to detail we gave to our experiences in life"The transition zone is a place where the soul/spirit goes immediately after dying This is a spiritual dimension where the soul gets a chance to adjust to what is beyond the physical death This is believed to help the soul who is crossing over avoid confusion and minimize the shock of dying as the soul enters a different realm and dimension For some it can be a hellish experience but a temporary one There are those who do not realize they died and passed on to another realm It is like a dreamstate where a dreamer is transported to a world not consistent with their waking realitySpiritual Perspective of DeathSome of us are afraid of death It is human nature to cling on to life Medical breakthrough makes it possible to prolong life There are many cases where such measures are futile the physical body becomes a prison Yet- no one knows when the Grim Reaper will come calling Life does have its ups and downs Torment can plague a person in its very core When it is too much to bear a person commits suicide Accidents have claimed many lives Death is a road to one destination for all of mankind What awaits us in that realmIs there a reality beyond death Edgar Cayce and Rudolph Steiner believe there is a realm beyond the gates of deathWhile on earth our reality is outwards We clutter our lives we develop attitudes that can be harmful We stay further away from an inner reality a spiritual perspective Upon death as the soul leaves the physical body it reflects on the physical realm inwardly These are the memories relationships activities and the clutter stored within which seem prominent at the first stage of dyingIn death one steps into one's thoughts seemingly a small natural step yet from a material standpoint it is extreme and abrupt In time the soul/spirit's attention finds a different focus For those who receive prayers from loved ones on earth this is a time when it is needed the mostThe BorderlandSome writers refer to a realm the borderland found at the outer edge of the mental realms where all the material aspect of life is manifest in its purest state It is believed that the soul who gets here in this realm is definitely aware of a change or awakening Senses are sharper and more sensitive The soul/spirit finds its true being In this realm one feels like one just emerged from a hazy daze The surroundings are familiar- places faces of people you've known who passed on before you some unknown souls who may have shared some connection on earthThe borderland is where a detailed review of one's earthly life occurs with clarity that was obscured while on earthRudolph Steiner notes that there are beings around who provide protection from getting immersed in this emotional state and confusion There is no limitation imposed by time or space in this realm but this review process is gradual This provides the healing that is needed This process allows the soul to move on There are regions in the valley of death where the departed travel as they ascend to the Eternal LightThere are Beings of Light who have always been around in that realm by their choice to provide guidanceDeath is indeed a celebration of life Beyond its door is a good place- where illness violence anger hatred and other negative human traits are not known to exist There are souls who need to work on negative traits while on earthThere is a belief that some souls/spirits choose to stay in solitude for undetermined lengthThere are souls/spirits who choose to be earthbound There are others who choose to re-incarnate and plan their next life on earth Edgar Cayce predicted that he will be back on earth in 200 yearsGifted individuals who have a second sight or insight into life beyond the grave share their beliefs on what lies beyond the gates of death These thoughts help to diminish the fear of dying and it is refreshing to have a glimpse of what awaits in the realm of eternityPsalm 23The Lord is my Shepherd I shall not want He makes me lie down in green pastures He leads me beside still waters He restores my soul he leads me in paths of righteousness for his name's sake Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil for you are with meref mat: research of Harvey A Green Edgar Cayce - Discourses Rudolph Steiner Emanuel Swedenborg Harinder S Sandhu life afterdeathinfoWhen the restoration firm has completed work on the home a group of quality inspectors will come out and examine the property. 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